Non-voting Ordinary Share Sale

Welcome to the Lovell Group non-voting right ordinary share sale of the raise of £10 million for its Cross Spectrum 200G Wireless research & development program. The company is selling…

Happy New Year

The Lovell Group would like to welcome in 2024 with some news. We have been hard at work over 2022/2023 on our new project code name Cross Spectrum 200G Wireless…

Web 3.0: A Controversial Paradigm Shift or a Technological Mirage?

Introduction Web 3.0, the much-hyped successor to Web 2.0, has sparked fervent debates and divided opinions among tech enthusiasts, economists, and policymakers alike. Proponents hail it as a transformative force,…

What Are The Main Benefit Of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The team at the Lovell Group have been considering what the current main benefits of artificial benefits of Artificial Intelligence in 2023 and these are just some of out ideas….

What are the potential impacts of Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds immense promise for the future across various domains and industries. Here are a few thoughts on the potential impact of AI: Advancements in Automation: AI has…

What Is Humanitarian Funding?

Humanitarian funding refers to financial resources that are mobilised and allocated to support humanitarian efforts aimed at alleviating human suffering, promoting human dignity, and saving lives in times of crisis…

Are We About To See Another 2008 US Banking Crisis?

With US politicians selling of their stock and taking huge losses  and the fear of America suffering Hyper Inflation are we heading for another 2008 crash and if so what…

Lovell Intergalactic Broadband Wireless Communication Technology

Lovell Satellite space broadband refers to the provision of high-speed internet connectivity to users via satellite-based communication systems. These systems utilise a network of satellites in orbit around the Earth…

Will The UK Have Vertical Rocket Takeoff?

Rocket vertical takeoff is a method of launching a rocket where the rocket lifts off from the ground vertically, powered by its engines. This is in contrast to horizontal takeoff,…

Lovell Group Space Communications

Firstly can we wish everyone a very happy and prosperous 2023! As we move into this new year Lovell Group will be opening up its research and development into its…